Are The New iPhone 6 Concepts

For hardcore Apple users, the iPhone 6 may very well deliver on a long-time desire for a much bigger display. After being at the top of many users’ wish lists for the past few years, finally getting the Phone 6 to boast a screen in the vicinity of competing devices, such as the Galaxy S and HTC One, would be a catharsis. Apple has been reluctant to grow the screen size, following in the ideological footsteps of the late Steve Jobs, who felt as thought the original Phone’s screen dimensions were optimal for a smartphone. The elongation of the iPhone 5′s screen in 2012 — the sale aspect ratio that carried over to the iPhone 5S and 5C — appeared to be a kind of meeting point between users’ desires and Cupertino developers. But it still wasn’t enough for many. Now, with rumors of an iPhone 6 that will sport at least a 4.8-inch screen — a rumor that Apple has not appeared to attempt to mitigate yet (as we have seen them do in the post-Steve Jobs era) — the conceptual artistes are coming out of the woodwork, giving us renderings of what it could like. The question is, would Apple ever build it this way?f


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